

"I felt in history tutorials as if he thought, She is not really present, she is away in another world. She is not contributing... But I couldn't hear!"
  1. What is your department's procedure for ensuring that all tutors are informed about the needs of any students with impairments in a tutorial/seminar setting?
  2. How do you ensure that the teaching methods used in a tutorial/seminar setting are compatible with the learning needs of all students present?
  3. Where students, for a reason relating to impairment or health problem, are unable to attend a tutorial/seminar, are there arrangements for providing support in making up the material missed?

Next: Practical classes, including laboratories, studios and workshops

Comments and Opinions

Copyright: The University of Strathclyde 2000
Extracts from this document may be reproduced for education or training purposes on condition that its source is acknowledged.

Last published on Tue, Sep 4, 2001. A Web site by Jim Byrne of the Making Connections Unit ( j.byrne@gcal.ac.uk)