Creating accessible placements, study abroad and field trips for disabled students

5. Further resources

Code of Practice for the Assurance of Academic Quality and Standards in Higher Education. Section 9: Placement Learning Available from the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

Geography Discipline Network: Learning Support for Disabled Students Undertaking Fieldwork and Related Activities.

Inclusive Fieldwork and Expedition Practice, Royal Geographical Society/ Institute of British Geographers 2002

Providing Work Placements for Disabled Students: A Good Practice Guide for Further and Higher Education Institutions (DfES/0023/2002)(Contains much useful advice although some references to the DDA are out of date.)

Guidance for Strathclyde University staff arranging placements for disabled students:

Finding Out About People's Disability: A Good Practice Guide for Further and Higher Education Institutions (DfES/0024/2002)

Into Work Experience: positive experiences of disabled people, SKILL, National Bureau for Students with Disabilities